The Smartest Way to Store Your Stuff

Moving With Kids: Four Things Every Parent Needs To Do

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Moving an entire household comes with a list of chores and errands that you have to complete. When you move with children, this list grows exponentially. For a successful move with kids, make sure to add these items to your to-do list. 1. Request Immunization and Medical Records Before you move, stop by your child’s pediatrician and request copies of their medical records. Make sure to get a full copy of their immunization records as well; most schools require proof that children are up to date on all of their vaccines before they will enroll them. Read More»

Thinking About Hiring Movers? 3 Difficult Situations That Can Benefit From Hiring Professionals

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Moving is a lengthy process because it requires you to go through every room in the house to pack the things that you want to keep and sell or donate the items that you are not bringing along. For the most part, going through bedrooms should not be too challenging because most possessions are manageable. It might be a little difficult to move furniture such as a large and heavy bed or dresser. Read More»

Three Factors That Can Affect Whether Or Not You Need Climate Controlled Storage

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Because it takes more energy to keep a unit climate controlled than to simply keep it air-conditioned, choosing a non-climate-controlled unit can be a slightly more eco-friendly option. However, it’s most important to make sure your belongings are safe during storage so, depending on your circumstances, non-climate-controlled storage may not be a practical choice. Here are three factors that may affect which type of storage is the best for your situation. Read More»

4 Smart Ways To Save Money On Your Move

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As you plan to move, your expected expenses may grow far outside your budget range even before you start to move your household. You can keep your move well within your budget by decreasing your need for extra truck space, packing supplies, and replacement items. Here are four smart ways to keep your moving expenses under control. Downsize With Reckless Abandon Adopting a minimalist approach to living can significantly cut your moving costs. Read More»

A Guide To Keeping Paper Products Safe In Your Storage Unit

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If you have a lot of papers, notebooks, or even paper plates that you don’t want to throw away when you move, keeping them in a storage unit is an option. However, since paper is a pretty vulnerable product, you’ll need to be sure you store them in a way that protects them from moisture in the air, water leaks, insects, and rodents. Here are some tips to ensure your paper items emerge from storage in good shape. Read More»